Life in the spin cycle


August 30, 2012 by whirlyjoy

Take one harried single mother with her own translation business, one artistically and sarcastically precocious and academically gifted thirteen-year-old, a deaf teenager with a heady mix of hormones and autism in play (and her full roster of in-home extras), extended family scattered across the globe and the anxiety-disorder spectrum, a cast of friends always ready to share over a glass of pinot gris or a pasta concoction, and villains galore in the school and state services systems for disabled kids – all wrung through with attempts at humor and a head held high (or at least a good pair of shoes): That is life in the spin cycle.

5 thoughts on “Life in the spin cycle

  1. Dawn says:

    Gpod pair of shoes essential!


  2. Kim says:

    This is most excellent! I’m an instant fan of your wonderful writing.


  3. DEA says:

    I will voraciously read everything you post. Thank you for sharing your your struggles and gift for writing!


  4. Tegan says:

    I worked my way backwards (as I tend to do with blogs). Hugs and cheers for you– and your girls. I look forward to your next posts.


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